
Mostrando las entradas etiquetadas como Time

Dave Malloy, Ghost Quartet

"And the starlight I see is a billion light years old. A ghost like the rest of us."

Dave Malloy, Ghost Quartet

"I don't know if this is me at all, Or just some ghost of me that I dreamed up Just to sing myself to sleep, Or someone that I used to be, Or someone that I will be, Or someone that I am right now..."

Patti Smith, M train

"Anxious for some permanency, I guess I needed to be reminded how temporal permanency is."

Patti Smith, M train

"Perhaps there is no past or future, only the perpetual present that contains this trinity of memory."

María Popova, Brain Pickings

"But every transformation is invariably a loss, and the transformed must be mourned before the transformed-into can be relished. "

Margaret Atwood

"In the end, we all become stories".

Guillermo del Toro, El espinazo del diablo

"¿Qué es un fantasma? Un evento terrible condenado a repetirse una y otra vez, un instante de dolor quizás, algo muerto que parece por momentos vivo aún, un sentimiento suspendido en el tiempo, como una fotografía borrosa, como un insecto atrapado en ámbar. Un fantasma, eso soy yo"